Help with postural issues

Posture plays a key part in keeping our bodies performing at their best. Poor posture over a long period of time can cause many symptoms and problems, including pain, earlier and quicker onset of wear and tear, reduction in range of motion, and weakening of soft tissues. It can also result in symptoms such as headaches, chest pains, acid reflux and breathing difficulties.

Osteopathy can correct your posture and teach you how to hold your body, meaning you can be free of the painful symptoms you may be experiencing.

An osteopath examines your entire body, including your muscles, ligaments, tendons, your spine, your nervous system, and we use a variety of different hands-on techniques.

Many patients experience an immediate improvement from postural correction using osteopathy.

Due to the gentle nature of osteopathic techniques, they are suitable for all ages and conditions.

Please give us a call to discuss problems with your posture on 01422 375541.

help with postural issues
Copyright Jan Chlebik

Frequently asked questions

Osteopathic treatment can help alleviate persistent postural issues. If you have a question please get in touch.

There are several common symptoms of poor posture:

  • Back pain
  • Aches and pains in your joints and muscles
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Your head leaning forward or backward
  • Curved neck
  • Headaches

Treatment and exercises may be given to help you to try and change your posture. 

Most patients will feel at least some improvement after the first treatment. For some patients, the benefits may only be felt after a couple of days. 

What our patients say

Here are some of the responses we have received from our happy patients.

Gerald Cullen

“I have visited Peter and his Mum at the practice in Elizabeth Street for almost 40 years!!! Every time I visit Peter he is very professional and a miracle worker!!! Would highly recommend to anyone needing attention!”

John Harvey

“Excellent local practitioner.”

Sherry McCulloch

“Would recommend highly, first time I went was 25 years go, very welcoming, understanding and professional.”

Our Therapists

A unique group of fully qualified and experienced practitioners combining their skills to optimise your health.

Peter Pukacz


Peter joined the family practice in 1984 and qualified as an Osteopath in 1993. Since then he Peter has furthered his education by attending Post Graduate Training Courses at the Oxford College of Osteopathy.

Samuel Morris

BSc Hons (Ost), MSc

Sam uses a combination of manual osteopathic approaches tailored to suit the each individual patient. He takes an interest in posture and movement patterns and how they influence muscle and joint pain.

Steven D. Baines

B.Ost.(Hons), Dip.Sports Injuries

Steven is a very experienced Osteopath, who commenced is his osteopathic education in New Zealand, before later transferring to the British School of Osteopathy in London to complete his degree.

We can help!

Choosing a healthcare provider is one of the most important decisions you can make. You want someone who is caring, knowledgeable, and accessible. Someone willing to take the time to go over all of your options and treat you as a person, not just a patient.

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